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Your Oral Health Authority

At Hamburg Family Dental, we know that knowledge is power, and we’re here to educate and empower our patients to take control of their oral and overall health. Most folks don’t realize how much your oral health impacts your overall health and vice versa, and we think this is vital information everyone needs to know. From fun dental facts to the history of the toothbrush, and how slacking on your oral hygiene routine could potentially lead to a heart attack or stroke—follow along on our blog for bi-monthly articles on all things oral health. Feel free to comment, share, and join the conversation!

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Posted April 13, 2023 / Blog, Patient Care

An Alkaline Diet for Oral Health

Acids and bases might sound like something from far back in your memory, like middle-school science class, but the concept is still very applicable to every aspect of life today. The foods and beverages you consume daily have a very big effect on your oral health and overall health, for better or worse. You can […]

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Posted March 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Good, Clean, Wholesome Family Dentistry

You love your teeth. You brush them twice a day, floss once a day, and see your dentist regularly. Right? We love your teeth, too! In fact, there’s so much to know about caring for your oral health that dentistry has quite a few categories of specialties and different kinds of dentists. The primary dentist […]

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Posted March 17, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Could Brushing & Flossing Prevent a Heart Attack?

A lot of healthy lifestyle choices benefit more than one system within your body. Eating well, exercising, good sleep, and fresh air all support a lot of your physical needs. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that what hurts one area of your health can easily hurt another area, too. An important (though less known) connection […]

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Posted February 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health

Fun Dental Facts – Did You Know?

Dentistry is serious medicine, and daily oral hygiene is a top priority. But teeth can be pretty fun, too—not to mention fascinating. For starters, have you ever seen the full sets of baby teeth and adult teeth present in a child’s head x-ray? Go ahead, look it up. There are tons of interesting dental facts […]

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Posted February 15, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology

Biofilm: The Most Important Film of the Year

Biofilm is quite literally a “film” or layer of biological matter that forms on teeth, in sink pipes, on river rocks, and more. Biofilm is made of many different things. Think of it as concrete, which contains cement as well as a slew of other materials. It’s likely you’ve been aware of biofilm on your […]

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Posted January 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Health

Diabetes & Oral Health: What Your Dentist Sees

It’s no secret that diabetes is a health condition that must be treated because of the problems it can cause throughout the body—including your mouth.  Almost 26 million children and adults in the U.S.  suffer from diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association. Lexington dentist, Dr. Alisha Patel at Hamburg Family Dental wants you to […]

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Posted January 14, 2023 / Blog, Dental Services

Is it Ever Too Late for Dental Work?

Let’s be honest. If you are like most people, you’ve probably put off going to the dentist at one time or another. Some of us have even avoided seeing a dentist for years at a time. Research shows one in three Americans avoids going to the dentist regularly. As the time spent away from Hamburg […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 / Blog, Dental Health

Top 5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

If you’re one of the 40 million Americans with sensitive teeth, you must be familiar with the painful zing that follows a hot drink, a bite of ice cream, or just a deep breath of cold air. These and other elements can cause a sudden discomfort if you have sensitive teeth, also called dentin hypersensitivity.  […]

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Posted December 13, 2022 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care

Teaching Your Kids to Brush & Floss

As a parent, you will have numerous opportunities to teach your children valuable skills and each one will yield priceless memories. Your child’s first step, your child’s first word, your child’s first bike ride, your child’s first unassisted brushing and flossing session…well, maybe that last one won’t be as memorable, but Hamburg Family Dental wants […]

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Posted November 27, 2022 / Blog, Dental Services

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Accidents are never planned and rarely anticipated, but good dental care is always ready and available 24/7. Like all medical emergencies, dental emergencies require quality care, and fast! Here’s what to do if you think you have a dental emergency on your hands. What is a Dental Emergency? If you are in a lot of […]

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